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Customizing Coffee Brewing for Every Roast Level

Brewing a cup of coffee is a perfect way for curious and adventurous individuals to indulge in their passion, as it requires careful consideration and exploration of various factors. From brewing methods to coffee-to-water ratios, temperature, and water quality, each element contributes to different flavors and experiences in a cup of coffee. However, did you know that besides these factors, there is another equally important yet often overlooked aspect - "coffee roast levels"? Whether you prefer light, medium, or dark roast coffee, understanding how to adjust your brewing recipe for each roast level opens up a world of diverse flavors and aromas. In this blog, we will explore the differences between coffee roast levels and provide valuable insights on how to adjust your brewing methods for each roast level.


Coffee beans are divided into three main roast levels: Light roast, medium roast, and dark roast. The differences not only lie in the flavors but also in the physical characteristics and chemical properties of each coffee roast level.

Light roast:

Light roast is roasted for a shorter period, preserving the original flavor of the coffee and highlighting the nuanced flavors present in the green bean's core. With its bright and complex taste, light roast is often associated with fresh and vibrant flavor profiles.

Medium roast:

Medium roast is a combination of the delicacy of light roast and the flavors developed during the roasting process. The result is a balanced flavor, combining sweetness and acidity, along with subtle notes of almond and chocolate.

Dark Roast:

Dark roast undergoes a longer roasting process, creating robust and intense flavors. Prolonged exposure to high heat turns the coffee beans into a deep brown color. Dark roast is often characterized by dominant flavors of chocolate and almond, reduced acidity, and a full-bodied and satisfying aftertaste.


Adjusting Brewing Methods for Different Roast Levels:

Grind Size::

An important factor in adjusting the brewing recipe is the grind size. For light roast, grind finer to enhance extraction and bring out delicate flavors. Conversely, for dark roast, choose a coarser grind size to control the extraction process and avoid over-brewing, which can lead to bitter flavors.

Water Temperature:

Water temperature has a significant impact on the extraction process. Higher water temperature leads to faster extraction. Therefore, pay attention to the water temperature when brewing to control the desired extraction rate.

Brewing Time:

The contact time between water and coffee during the brewing process affects the final flavor. For light roast, use methods such as V60, French Press, and Aeropress, which can help develop the perfect coffee flavor. On the other hand, Espresso, with its short extraction time, is suitable for medium and dark roast coffee.

Consider Other Factors:

In addition to roast level, other factors can also impact your brewing recipe. The freshness of the coffee beans, water quality, and cleanliness of the equipment all play a role in the final cup of coffee. Make sure to use coffee beans within approximately 14 days after roasting and store them in an airtight container, away from sunlight, to preserve their flavor.

At iO Coffee, we also strive to bring you high-quality and freshly roasted coffee beans. You can check out our products and make a purchase at the following link:


Lastly, experimenting with different roast levels and adjusting corresponding brewing recipes will help you explore and appreciate the diverse world of coffee. By understanding the grind size, water temperature, brewing time, and other factors that impact different roast levels, you can create a perfect cup of coffee tailored to your own preferences. Enjoy the journey of discovery and savor the unique flavors from each roast level. Happy brewing!

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